• El mundo es distinto ahora, pero los errores son los de siempre - Daniel Cantos Pardo
  • Era el primer viaje que realizaban sin tutor y saboreaban la libertad que con esa excitación que produce todo lo nuevo - Pablo Gonz
  • La falta de créditos retardó en tres años la partida de una verdadera expedición solarista - Stanislav Lem
  • El futuro ya está aquí, sólo que desigualmente repartido - W. Gibson
  • Me sentí como un punk que hubiera salido a comprar una navaja automática y volviera a casa con una pequeña bomba de neutrones - W. Gibson
  • A la mañana siguiente, realizaron su primer anochecer estelar - Diane Duane
  • —¿Un sol azul? —dijo Karellen, no muchas horas más tarde—. La identificación no puede ser muy difícil - Arthur C. Clarke
  • Aun así, en ese brillante interior había un núcleo oscuro, un indicio de algo encapsulado - Alastair Reynolds
  • El cielo sobre el puerto tenía el color de una pantalla de televisor sintonizado en un canal muerto - W. Gibson
  • Hace frío señor, en este campo —dijo el señor Tagomi—. Podemos regresar al centro de la ciudad en el helicóptero de la Misión, ¿le parece correcto? - Philip K. Dik
  • ¿Que es el ciberespacio? - El mundo - W. Gibson
  • Tengo sus anotaciones, estaban en su escritorio - Philip K. Dik
  • Esta formación constituye, en su totalidad, un desarrollo tridimensional de algún tipo de ecuación de orden superior - Stanislaw Lem
  • De nuevo la mezcla de rojo y verde, mirándole desde la naturaleza - Kim Stanley Robinson
  • Había un lugar en el Nostromo donde Dallas ocasionalmente encontraba algunos momentos de completa intimidad y al mismo tiempo se sentía razonablemente seguro. Era como una matriz artificial - Alan Dean Foster

#SAILFISHOS BY #JOLLA. FOSS-North 2018 – OSS community at its finest

Entrada escrita por: Fernando Lanero Barbero

(https://blog.jolla.com/foss-north-2018-oss-community-finest/) FOSS-North 2018 – OSS community at its finest
May 18th 2018, 13:20

On April 22nd and 23rd, we attended a growing OSS event called (http://foss-north.se/2018/) FOSS North in Gothenburg – Sweden. According to (http://foss-north.se/2018/) foss-north.se, "FOSS-North is a free / open source conference covering both software and hardware from the technical perspective. Hosted in Gothenburg between Copenhagen, Oslo and Stockholm with an international airport, we provide a meeting place for the Nordic foss communities and will bring together great speakers with a great audience." and that alone sounds like a lot of fun for us nerds!
The event was held in the (https://www.chalmers.se/en/Pages/default.aspx) Chalmers University of Technology in Gothenburg. Two of the auditoriums were dedicated to FOSS-North, alongside the main corridor where the sponsors and others had their stands, and where the catering was held during the event so that everyone would gather there during the breaks between the talks. We, as the silver sponsor of the event, naturally had our stand packed with demo devices, bringing a lot of attention to Jolla and Sailfish OS.


FOSS-North hosted a bevy of different speeches during the 2-day period with 25 speakers, 2 of them from Jolla! We held our speech about the history of Jolla and the Sailfish community, continued by a piece of our roadmap for Sailfish X, Sailfish 3, and what is planned for the future. We ended the talk by a rather long Q&A from the audience. You can watch the whole talk below, and also access our slides that we used during the talk (https://sailfishos.org/community/foss_north_2018_04_23/) here.

On top of that, as we always have done, we seized the opportunity to meet with our community from Sweden and Denmark during and after FOSS-North. We gathered in a bar, had some great food, Swedish candies and drinks, with great company. We had generic discussions about Jolla and Sailfish OS, alongside initial plans for having recurring meetups in Gothenburg and the possibility of Jolla attending (https://opensourcedays.org) Opensourcedays in Denmark during October 2018.
In the end we would like to thank the organisers of FOSS-North for an amazing event and also thank our dear community in Northern Europe for being there and supporting us!
The post (https://blog.jolla.com/foss-north-2018-oss-community-finest/) FOSS-North 2018 – OSS community at its finest appeared first on (https://blog.jolla.com) Jolla Blog.



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