• El mundo es distinto ahora, pero los errores son los de siempre - Daniel Cantos Pardo
  • Era el primer viaje que realizaban sin tutor y saboreaban la libertad que con esa excitación que produce todo lo nuevo - Pablo Gonz
  • La falta de créditos retardó en tres años la partida de una verdadera expedición solarista - Stanislav Lem
  • El futuro ya está aquí, sólo que desigualmente repartido - W. Gibson
  • Me sentí como un punk que hubiera salido a comprar una navaja automática y volviera a casa con una pequeña bomba de neutrones - W. Gibson
  • A la mañana siguiente, realizaron su primer anochecer estelar - Diane Duane
  • —¿Un sol azul? —dijo Karellen, no muchas horas más tarde—. La identificación no puede ser muy difícil - Arthur C. Clarke
  • Aun así, en ese brillante interior había un núcleo oscuro, un indicio de algo encapsulado - Alastair Reynolds
  • El cielo sobre el puerto tenía el color de una pantalla de televisor sintonizado en un canal muerto - W. Gibson
  • Hace frío señor, en este campo —dijo el señor Tagomi—. Podemos regresar al centro de la ciudad en el helicóptero de la Misión, ¿le parece correcto? - Philip K. Dik
  • ¿Que es el ciberespacio? - El mundo - W. Gibson
  • Tengo sus anotaciones, estaban en su escritorio - Philip K. Dik
  • Esta formación constituye, en su totalidad, un desarrollo tridimensional de algún tipo de ecuación de orden superior - Stanislaw Lem
  • De nuevo la mezcla de rojo y verde, mirándole desde la naturaleza - Kim Stanley Robinson
  • Había un lugar en el Nostromo donde Dallas ocasionalmente encontraba algunos momentos de completa intimidad y al mismo tiempo se sentía razonablemente seguro. Era como una matriz artificial - Alan Dean Foster

#SAILFISHOS BY #JOLLA. Sailfish OS 2.1.1 now available for Jolla devices through early access

Entrada escrita por: Fernando Lanero Barbero
Sailfish OS 2.1.1 now available for Jolla devices through early access
Aug 1st 2017, 08:19

Another rather sizable Sailfish OS release is now available to download for early access on Jolla devices. It brings a bevy of new features such as a new camera interface with direct access from the lock screen, Mobile Device Management (MDM) enablers intended for corporate usage, new VPN features, smarter calendar, faster email app startup and dozens of community-reported bug fixes.

Sailfish OS 2.1.1 Jämsänjoki is named after a river in the town of Jämsä, located in central Finland, flowing from lake Kankarisvesi to lake Päijänne.

Jämsänjoki introduces the ability of having a rather important feature targeted for corporate usage which is Mobile Device Management or MDM for short. It is used by corporate managements in order to keep the employees productive by enabling the employer to introduce usage policies to certain device activities such as OS updates, WLAN, side loading applications, sharing, location settings and more. This feature is not installed on vanilla Sailfish OS devices; however, Jämsänjoki introduces a number of APIs to the OS in order to make MDM compatible with Sailfish OS. We are also introducing a polished camera interface alongside with an easy way to access the camera directly from the lock screen without unlocking your phone by swiping up from the bottom edge of the screen. This feature can of course be disabled from the settings menu in “gestures” section.

Other highlights from Jämsänjoki


Upcoming events


Upcoming calendar events

Jämsänjoki will now show you calendar events from upcoming days directly on your notification screen. This feature will help you stay on schedule easier than before.

Tatar language


Tatar language and keyboard

Our community votes which language should be next in line and contributes into translating Sailfish OS strings to those languages. Tatar language was chosen and translated by the help of our dear community for this update. Tatar keyboard was also added to the settings menu. Tatar is a language spoken by roughly 7 million people in the world, 5.2 million of which are located in Russia, so it was only fitting to our agenda and our latest releases in Russia to have this language added.

Bluez5 on Jolla C

This update is also going to allow the much awaited Bluez5 which we added the stack of to Sailfish OS on the previous update, Iijoki, to be put in use on Jolla C devices. This means that using Bluetooth Low Energy or BLE is now possible on Jolla C devices in order to save battery while having reliable and fast Bluetooth connections between supported devices.

New VPN types

L2TP or Layer 2 Tunneling Protocol PPTP or Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol are the two new types of VPN that are being included on this update. This compliments the previous update, Iijoki, where we added the capability of using VPN on a Sailfish OS device.

Other improvements

There are dozens of other features and bug fixes added to this version of the OS such as improved Alien Dalvik on Jolla C devices, better connectivity features like the ability to edit saved and out of range WLAN networks and edit WLAN passwords, improved general reliability of OS gestures and many more that can be found in our official release notes here.

You can also follow our detailed instructions on how to update your Sailfish OS powered device here. We hope you enjoy this update and kindly report any bugs found so we can iron them out before the public release of the software.

Kind Regards,
James, on behalf of Jolla team

The post Sailfish OS 2.1.1 now available for Jolla devices through early access appeared first on Jolla Blog.



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